By Dave Workman
The Donald Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee over the weekend announced the launch of “Gun Owners for Trump,” a coalition of leading names in the Second Amendment community which reads like a “Who’s Who” of activists and leading advocates.
Included on the list are several representatives from Women for Gun Rights, members of the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors, former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, radio host Mark Walters (Armed American Radio), and Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation and chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. More than 50 names appear on the list.

The announcement came simultaneously with the NRA annual convention in Dallas, Tex., where Trump spoke to the NRA membership Saturday, and received the organizations’ endorsement.
According to the official announcement, “‘Gun Owners for Trump’ is a diverse coalition that represents the broad spectrum of gun owners in America. Unfortunately, no American is safe from the violent Migrant Crime Wave that Joe Biden has unleashed on our country. As the radical Democrats continue to sell-out the police and let our communities be overrun by violent criminals – including criminal illegals – now more than ever Americans must have their right to defend themselves protected.”
At his website, Trump lays out a platform which includes his vision for defending law and liberty: “President Donald J. Trump appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret the Constitution as written and preserve the extraordinary vision of our founding fathers. He confirmed three strong Constitutionalists to the United States Supreme Court who will ensure the law is upheld equally, fairly and without political prejudice for all of our citizens. President Trump’s three appointees delivered the biggest win for life in a generation in overturning Roe v. Wade and expanded the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. President Trump will continue to nominate highly qualified prosecutors, judges, and justices who believe in enforcing the law, not their own political agenda. He will also always defend your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and uphold your religious liberty, including the Constitutional right to pray in public schools.”
Here is the entire list of inaugural members of Gun Owners for Trump:
Allison Adams, Women for Gun Rights State Director (TX),
Frank Addington Jr., Professional Exhibition Shooter (TX),
Omar Avila, Black Rifle Coffee Company (TX),
Bill Bachenberg, Leigh Valley Sporting Clays (PA),
Bob Barr, NRA First VP (GA),
Pete Barrett, Founder of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing (TN),
David Bernhardt, Former U.S. Secretary of Interior (VA),
Tibaut Bowman, Texas Businessman and Lawyer (TX),
Ashley Britt, Women for Gun Rights State Director (TN),
Elliott Burnside, Businessman and Owner (FL),
Sean Caranna, Florida Carry (FL),
Betty Cardenas, RNC Outreach Committee Executive Director (TX),
Staci Claunch, Women for Gun Rights Member (AR),
Charles Cotton, NRA President (TX),
David Coy, NRA Second VP (MI),
Raelle Cunningham, Women for Gun Rights State Director (UT),
Taren Darr, Women for Gun Rights Member (OR),
Chris DeWitt, Former NRA (NC),
Rick Ector, Rick’s Firearm Academy (MI),
Gabby Franco, Former Olympic Shooter (VA),
Tara Fritz, Women for Gun Rights State Director (MS),
Mark Geist, Benghazi Hero (CO),
Dan Genter, CEO & Chief Investment Officer of RNC Genter Capital Management (CA),
Katherine Giddins, Women for Gun Rights State Director (NH),
Matt Gomez, 2A Activist (TX),
Alan Gottlieb, 2nd Amendment Foundation (WA),
Heather Hagg, Women for Gun Rights State Director (ND),
Patricia Harrold, Women for Gun Rights State Director (NE),
Maria Heil, NRA Board Member (PA),
Curt Herbert Jr., Former FERC Chairman (MS),
Sandy Hickerson, Assistant State Director Women for Gun Rights New Jersey (NJ),
Tommy Hicks, Former Co-Chairman of the RNC (TX),
Charles Hiltunen, NRA Board Member (IN),
Lucretia Hughes, NRA Nominating Committee and NRA Outreach Committee Georgia (GA),
Theresa Inacker, Women for Gun Rights State Director (NJ),
Greer Johnson, Trustee of NRA Foundation and NRA Public Affairs Committee (GA),
Bernard Kerik, Former NYPD Commissioner (NY),
Randy Kozuch, NRA-ILA Executive Director (VA),
Becky Lou Lacock, Louisiana State Director DC Project, Women for Gun Rights (LA),
Mark McCloskey, Self Defense Advocate (MO),
Patricia McCloskey, Self Defense Advocate (MO),
Vallee McColley, Women for Gun Rights State Director (AR),
Victor Mellor, The Hollow 2A (FL),
Barb Miller, Women for Gun Rights State Director (CO),
Karla Mooney, Women for Gun Rights State Director (MD),
Katina Morris, Firearms and Personal Safety Instructor (ID),
Dianna Muller, Women for Gun Rights DC Project (OK),
April Nicol, Women for Gun Rights State Director (NM),
Janet Nyce, NRA Board Member (PA),
Paige Roux, National Firearms Instructor @SomeChickWhoShoots (AZ),
Catherine Schultz, Women for Gun Rights Assistant State Director (VA),
Kimberly Southwell, Women for Gun Rights State Director (CA),
Amanda Suffecool, NRA Board Member (OH),
Beth Walker, Competitive Shooter (IN),
Linda Walker, NRA Board Member (OH),
Mark Walters, Host of Armed American Radio (GA),
Shirley Watral, Women for Gun Rights State Director (FL),
Donna Wilson, Women for Gun Rights State Director (NC),
Patricia Wisehart, Women for Gun Rights State Director (OK),
Candy Yow, Women for Gun Rights State Director (OR),
Cindy Zumwalt, Women for Gun Rights State Director (UT)