by Philip L. Watson
- NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg runs the anti-Second Amendment Group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”
Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently challenged a feisty reporter in Michigan on the Second Amendment.
Ryan countered a loaded question from the reporter about “gun problems” saying “this nation has a crime problem.” Instead of proposing gun bans Ryan gave credence to enforcing current laws as well as focusing more energy on community groups, charities, education and youth programs. The interview ended abruptly after the reporter jabbed back at Ryan “and you can do all that by cutting taxes?” Anti-gun groups were clearly hopeful that gun control would be brought up at the last debate. With the first VP debate scheduled for this Thursday as well as two Presidential debates left to go, the chances are likely it could come up. It would be foolish to assume every politico is as pro-Second Amendment as Congressman Ryan.
5. Rahm Emanuel and Richard Daley, current and former Mayors of Chicago
These two products of the notorious Chicago political machine are both fervent gun ban advocates (and also hypocrites).
Mayor Emanuel recently expended a great deal of political capitol in order cut former Mayor Richard Daley’s around-the-clock armed police guards in half from 6 to 3 citing budgetary cuts. Daley and Emanuel have gained notoriety for speaking out against the Second Amendment while spending huge amounts of taxpayer dollars fighting the McDonald and Ezell court cases.
Mayor Emanuel enjoys the same around-the-clock armed protection as former Mayor Daley, prompting the obvious questions: Why should taxpayers pay for armed police to guard government officials when the same officials are against Second Amendment self-defense rights for the taxpayers? Furthermore, if their gun ban has worked so well, why would they need to be guarded to this extent?
4. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State
The former First Lady has been a vocal gun control advocate through the years, to include her support of the UN Arms Trade Treaty.
As an acting Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator, Mrs. Clinton promotes gun bans and the anti-Second Amendment agenda. Both Bill and Hillary are afforded around-the-clock armed guards funded by taxpayers.
3. Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor
Mayor Michael Bloomberg is an unabashed enemy of the Second Amendment and gun owners. Never traveling without an armed police escort, this anti-Second Amendment hypocrite once claimed he travels on the New York subway to work every day like everyone else, a claim that was later found out to be an exaggerated public relations move.
Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is funded with grants from anti-Second Amendment groups like the Joyce Foundation. With tentacles reaching into high powered groups throughout the left, MAIG and the Joyce Foundation have partnered with the Brady Campaign for Gun Control to form a powerful alliance against our Constitutional rights.
Bloomie even went so far as to thumb his nose at the Public Employees Fair Employment Act, calling for police to go on strike in order to push more gun control laws. Mayor Bloomberg also takes advantage of a taxpayer funded armed security detail.
2. Eric Holder, United States Attorney General
As Obama’s top cop, Eric Holder has a long track record of opposing the Second Amendment. Like the others on this list, Holder is a big Second Amendment hypocrite, but not in the way you might think.
The buck stops with AG Holder for the unbelievable “Project Gunrunner” and “Fast and Furious” scandals. Holder’s DOJ and the ATF were actively involved in selling thousands of guns to known criminals and Mexican drug cartels directly resulting in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent and hundreds of civilians.
Video from the 1990’s recently surfaced of Holder stating the need to “brainwash” the nation’s youth against guns. Holder was recently held in contempt of Congress for refusing to disclose documents relating to Fast and Furious.
1. Barack Obama, President of the United States
Of course as POTUS, Obama and his family are afforded around-the-clock armed Secret Service protection.
Long before he was promising the Brady Campaign to work on gun control “under the radar” or claiming executive privilege on Fast and Furious gun running documents, Obama sat on the board of directors for the Joyce Foundation. When he wasn’t busy backing anti-Second Amendment bills in the Illinois State Senate, Obama assisted in directing tens of millions of dollars through the Joyce Foundation to promote gun bans and anti-Second Amendment campaigns.
Obama also backed up his anti-gun street cred by appointing two anti-Second Amendment judges to the Supreme Court in Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, a foreboding sign should he win a second term.