A new Rasmussen survey released this week included the startling revelation that 53 percent of Democrats favor legislation “that would abolish the current Supreme Court of the United States and establish a new, democratically elected Supreme Court with justices chosen by the American people directly.”
Overall, however, 53 percent of all likely voters would oppose such legislation, Rasmussen noted.
Legislation would hardly do the trick, however, since the high court is established by the Constitution as a third branch of the government (the other two being the executive and legislative branches).
This appears to be a reaction to last month’s one-two smack down punches from the high court that sent Democrats into a frenzy: right-to-carry affirmation and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In the aftermath, anti-gun Democrat governors and legislators in several states have scrambled to adopt laws deliberately designed to dance around the high court’s Second Amendment ruling, and they have acknowledged it. States are split on the abortion issue with some banning it and others moving to protect it within their respective borders.
The Rasmussen survey was conducted with the Heartland Institute July 6-7 from among 1,025 likely voters with a sampling error of +/- 3 percentage points and a 95 percent level of confidence.
As noted by Rasmussen, “There are nine justices on the Supreme Court, but some congressional Democrats have proposed expanding that number to 13. A majority (51%) of Likely Voters would oppose such a plan, including 40% who Strongly Oppose so-called “court-packing,” while 41% favor the idea. Among Democratic voters, however, 64% favor expanding the Supreme Court to 13 seats, including 37% who Strongly Favor the idea.”
Translation: Democrats are bad losers, and they want to stack the high court so they always get their way, according to critics.
This comes on the heels of another Rasmussen poll which found “that 52% of Likely U.S. voters have less trust in the Supreme Court than they had two years ago.”
“Only 17% have more trust in the Supreme Court,” Rasmussen reported, “while 29% say their trust in the Supreme Court has not changed much in the past two years.”
That same survey revealed, “15% of voters rate the Supreme Court as doing an excellent job, while 24% give the court a good rating. Twenty-six percent (26%) rate the Supreme Court as doing a fair job, and 31% rate them as doing a poor job.”
The current high court has, for the first time in recent history, a “conservative” 6-3 majority which adheres to, rather than alter from the bench, the Constitution, according to supporters. As noted on Page 25 of the Bruen ruling, authored by Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, “Constitutional rights are enshrined with the scope they were understood to have when the people adopted them.”
Further infuriating Democrats is the remark on Page 19 of the Thomas opinion, “Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.”
Translation: The right to keep and bear arms covers unpopular guns including semi-auto pistols and even modern semiautomatic sporting rifles, both of which Joe Biden and Democrats would like to ban.
A third Rasmussen/Heartland survey found “82% of Likely U.S. voters have a favorable opinion of the Constitution, including 58% who have a Very Favorable view of the document, which was ratified in 1789.”
However, “89% of Republicans, 74% of Democrats and 80% of independents – have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the Constitution, although more Republicans (76%) than Democrats (42%) or independents (56%) have a Very Favorable view of the Constitution.”
And finally, “Despite their generally favorable opinion of the Constitution, however, 57% of Democratic voters agree it ‘is a document rooted in racism,’ and 64% think the Constitution ‘is a sexist document that gives men advantages over women.’ Nearly half (49%) of Democrats believe the Constitution ‘should be mostly or completely rewritten.’ The rest of the electorate overwhelmingly rejects all these statements.”