By Dave Workman
The elimination of sport/trophy hunting, “killing contests” and the implementation of various gun control measures is prominently mentioned in the 2024 Washington Democratic Party platform, which sportsmen and women, and gun rights activists are almost certain to dislike.
Also on the party’s wish list are a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” which has actually already been passed into law, but presumably the Democrats want to confiscate such guns already in private ownership.

They also want to limit the number and types of firearms someone can own, and require training and licensing of gun owners, and so-called “safe storage.” Plus, they would put age limits on firearms ownership. Democrats consider these restrictions “common sense gun safety measures.”
TGM obtained a copy of the 76-page document, which contains the following provisions:
Gun Safety and Reform
- Support the creation of a coalition of law enforcement, community advocates for police accountability, and legislators to start ongoing dialogue to change the culture of policing that will save lives of both law enforcement and community members.
- The right of people, including students, to peacefully protest is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment and by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and that right must be protected; suppression of protests, including on school campuses, is anti-democratic and must not be tolerated.
- Gun violence is a public health crisis causing trauma, injury, and death;
- Firearms are used by abusers to intimidate and harm women, especially those in marginalized communities. To combat this, we advocate for fair pay to empower survivors to break free from abusive situations and support their families. The CDC should be authorized and funded to investigate and compile data on gun violence;
- In implementing common sense gun safety measures including, but not limited to,
- background checks
- banning assault weapons
- limiting the number and type of weapons owned
- requiring
- Training
- Licensing
- Safe storage
- Age limits for ownership and discharge of firearms
- We must protect survivors of domestic violence by requiring police to confiscate weapons of those subject to protection orders that include surrender of firearms, for the duration of the order;
- In government facilitated gun buy-back programs

Where hunting is concerned, the following tenets essentially put big game hunters at odds with Democrats.
- Eliminate sport/trophy hunting, derbies, and killing contests where prizes are given to most animals killed.
- In restricting the use of lead in ammunition and fishing gear and educating hunters and fishers in the dangers of gear to birds, whales, and other non-targeted species.
- Prohibit or limit availability of rodenticides that bioaccumulate in animals up the food chain.
- In Prohibiting the use of wild animals in circuses, exotic animal shows, and petting zoos
A source who wishes to remain anonymous, told TGM the party responded to his inquiry about the hunting platform with this explanation: “”WA Democrats’ 2024 platform calls for the elimination of any contests and other events that award prizes for the most animals killed. WA Democrats recognize the importance of hunting for sustenance, cultural expression, and the role hunting permits have in generating funding for conservation and endangered species protection. Our Party does not oppose legally permitted hunting, fishing, or gathering that complies with limits imposed by state law.”
The elimination of “trophy” hunting might be at odds with hunting regulations which require minimum antler points for western Washington elk hunting, and include drawings for branch-antlered bulls in eastern Washington. Also in some eastside game management units, there are antler point restrictions for whitetail deer, and for mu le deer hunting, bucks must have a minimum of three points on at least one antler.
Anti-hunters have been trying for years to eliminate lead from bullets and shotgun shells. There are substitutes, but there are still lots of lead bullets, especially for big and small game, in every caliber ranging upwards from .22-caliber rimfires.