Shooting champion Julie Golob launched her own gun safety effort aimed at moms who want to educate their children about firearms.
By Dave Workman
Senior Editor
World shooting champion Julie Golob, whose marksmanship feats have been demonstrated on television and in many competitions, moved swiftly when the anti-gun Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America announced prior to Mother’s Day that it would be lobbying Congress on behalf of “gun safety.”
Golob launched her own campaign, encouraging pro-gun mothers to “Take a MOMent” and “talk to your kids about firearm safety.” It quickly got rave reviews across the social media, and it has become an effort that really has no time sensitivity. Talking to children about firearms safety is a good idea the year around.
“While some are using Mother’s Day week to push a gun control agenda,” Golob said in her appeal, “I’d like to encourage mom’s to Take a MOMent. Talk to your kids about firearm safety. Help them learn what to do around firearms and have an open, honest discussion about guns and gun safety.”
“Please considering sharing my image…on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts to help spread this responsible gun owner reach out,” she adds.
Golob pointed moms to the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Project ChildSafe and the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe program as proper resources for solid information about firearms safety. Watts and MDA traveled to Capitol Hill, lobbying for gun restrictions that gun rights activists contend have nothing to do with keeping children safe and everything to do with eroding the firearms rights of law-abiding adults.
MDA is supported by billionaire Michael Bloomberg and is part of his “Everytown for Gun Safety” $50 million so-called “grassroots effort.” High on their agenda is the so-called “universal background check.”
Bloomberg launched the “Everytown” lobbying effort with Watts early in April. He said the project combines MDA with his other gun control lobbying group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Still, Watts and her group, claiming a national membership of some 1.5 million, has continued its own lobbying efforts and the activities leading up to Mother’s Day were part of that.
However, when it comes to moms squaring off over gun safety, Golob’s background gives her the upper hand. As a shooting competitor, Army veteran and legally-armed Montana resident, she probably knows more about true firearms safety than all of Watts’ MDA lobbyists now strolling through the halls of Congress.