The U.S. Supreme Court once again declined to either accept or reject any of the Second Amendment cases now waiting for high court review, but later in the week may be an opportunity for that to change.
In its Monday morning orders, the court did reject dozens of cases submitted for certiorari, but none of the current 10 cases now pending, including five involving the Second Amendment Foundation and one in which the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a plaintiff, were on that list. This leaves hope that those cases might be considered during the next conference, scheduled Thursday, May 21.
There may have been a signal earlier this month when the Court directed the City of San Jose, Calif., to present a response to the petition for review in the case of Lori Rodriguez, et al. v. City of San Jose on or before this Wednesday, May 20.
This case has been dragging through the court for some time. It involves the city’s confiscation of legally-owned firearms and the city’s subsequent refusal to return them, even though Mrs. Rodriguez can legally own and purchase other firearms. This case stems from a situation a few years ago involving her husband, Edward, who was “detained” for a mental evaluation. San Jose police confiscated Lori’s guns, even though they were stored properly under existing California law at the time.
The city has steadfastly refused to return the firearms.