By R.K. Campbell | Contributing Editor
One of Ruger’s latest introductions is easily one of the more practical handguns offered for personal defense during the past decade.
This handgun is intended for those who have difficulty manipulating a slide or handling moderate to snappy recoil. Many folks cannot handle a hard kicking snub-nosed .38 Special, a .357 Magnum revolver or a .45 ACP pistol. Even a sub-compact 9mm is difficult for many. Some have difficulty racking a slide.
To contain the recoil of a powerful cartridge a recoil spring must have a certain stiffness and a short slide pistol demands an even stronger recoil spring. The bump we feel in recoil is partially the effect of the slide coming to a stop at the end of its travel.

A number of factors add up to sharp recoil. Some enjoy a bit of a kick and even a strong muzzle report. Others do not. The occasional shooter realizes they need a firearm. But they do not have the time and inclination to truly master a powerful handgun. These shooters are really what the Second Amendment is all about the working man and woman who has a desire to protect the home from crime and danger. The Ruger Security 380 is a fine all around choice for this role.
The Ruger Security 380 is similar to the Security 9. The Security 380, however, differs in important particulars.
The Security 380 is a blowback action rather than the locked breech necessary in a 9mm handgun. The fixed barrel may aid in achieving good accuracy. The Security 380 isn’t any more accurate than the Security 9 in my experience but it is easy to use well. The pistol features a Lite Rack slide. This aids those with less hand strength. A full size slide and a .380 ACP strength recoil spring are easy to handle. The pistol features excellent combat sights with a bright fiber optic front sight. The rear sight is well designed with a wide notch.
The frame and handle fit most hands well. The frame features a light rail for mounting a combat light. Like many modern handguns the Security 380 is a polymer frame handgun. The action is a hammer fired double action only. When the slide is racked the hammer is partially cocked. This requires less effort than fully cocking the hammer. By the same token less effort is required to cock and drop the hammer with trigger since the hammer is partially cocked.
The trigger action is smooth and controllable, and the slide lock and manual safety are easily manipulated. The safety falls under the thumb easily as the handgun is drawn and comes on target.
This pistol is supplied with two steel magazines. One is a ten round flush fit magazine while the other is an extended 15-round magazine, which features a filler that takes up the space between the grip frame and magazine base. The magazines are a contrast to many modern 9mm sub compact high capacity magazines.
Ruger 380 magazines are easily loaded to full capacity.
For initial shooting I began with FMJ ammunition including PMC and Winchester loads. The pistol comes on target easily and is mild to fire. Recoil control is excellent- recoil is much lighter than a 9mm handgun and also lighter than smaller .380 ACP handguns. While the wound ballistics of the .380 are inferior to the 9mm- no question there- those with limited experience and the frail and elderly will find the modest recoil of the pistol attractive.

I fired the pistol in fast-paced range drills drawing and firing at 5, 7, and 10 yards. Results were good to excellent. Getting on target and managing the trigger isn’t difficult. The trigger is easily controllable with a sharper reset than most double action types, and the sights, trigger, and modest recoil add up to good results. The Security 380 is an ideal home defense firearm based on reliability, accuracy, easy handling and a generous ammunition reserve. The sole drawback is wound potential. Still the .380 is superior to the .22s and .32s and offers reliability.

The balance of expansion and penetration must favor penetration. In that regard only a few loads need apply in this caliber. I tested the Federal Train & Protect loading with its ‘versatile hollow point’ in 85 grains. At about 1,000 fps in the Ruger Security 380 this load proved reliable and accurate enough for most chores. I fired a pair of five shot 15 yard group with an average of just 2.5 inches. The Ruger 380 is an accurate number. During the test I enjoyed firing the pistol. I give every handgun evaluated a fair shake. In this case I went beyond the usual allotment of ammunition and purchased whatever was cheapest. The Ruger Security 380 is a fun gun and that means a lot. An occasional shooter will practice more with this handgun and that is never a bad idea.
Model: 3839
Manufacturer: Sturm, Ruger
Caliber: .380 ACP
Sights: Fiber Optic Front, dovetailed rear
OAL: 6.52 inches
Weight: 19.7 ounces
MSRP: $369.00