Reader offers thoughts on July issue of TGM
Dear Editor:
- Re: Don Schwartz’s “Massachusetts can’t Impose tax on firearms,” legislators there seem to think otherwise. What is especially hard to take is the fact that the courts allow these money grabbers to get away with such crap.
- On “Media matters,” Joe Tartaro’s piece in same issue, take a couple of minutes and read the article, then spend some more time thinking on what Joe had to say.
- Re: Seattle gun tax report card: sales plummet, violence spikes. Anyone surprised, given the rather obvious nature and goals of this tax.
- Re: Katie Couric beats defamation law suit over gun documentary. If the judge’s comments are correct, valid, then it seems that the complaining parties blew it, by not answering the question posed, when the answer was and remains painfully obvious. How would the bad guys obtain guns? Simple, either via illegal purchase or theft!
Alan Schultz
Allison Park, PA