On Wednesday, February 13 the Law and Public Safety Committee of the New Jersey Assembly is planning to “fast track” 23 gun control bills. The hearing will be in Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ starting at 10 AM.
These bills are aimed at restricting the rights of the law abiding citizen by further hampering their right to self-defense, their right to defend their property, and their right to defend their families.
A list of the bills scheduled to be discussed can be found at http://firearmspolicy.org/newjersey.
Firearms Policy Coalition member New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS), in conjunction with the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC), has arranged for ten buses to assist with transporting liberty-minded citizens who want to defend their rights and express their views to the committee. There is no charge for the buses; however, a donation would be appreciated.
You can join or donate to NJ2AS at https://www.firearmspolicy.org/join.
Buses will be leaving from:
- Atlantic City Rest Stop on the Garden State Parkway
- Belleville At the Bullet Hole
- Bridgewater
- Cherry Ridge Range, Highland Lakes
- Cheesequake Rest Stop on the Garden State Parkway
- Farmingdale at Cross Point Church
- Forked River Rest Stop on the Garden State Parkway
- Montvale Rest Stop on the Garden State Parkway
- Pine Brook at Montville Office Plaza, Pine Brook
- South Jersey Shooting Club/Bangers Sport Shop, Winslow
People wishing to register for the buses may do so at http://bit.ly/nj2as-021313
You must register if you want to ride on one of the buses. Departure times and additional information will be posted on the NJ2AS website at http://nj2as.org