By Dave Workman
Appearing as a guest on Newsmax with host Eric Bolling Monday, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly expressed frustration at the gun control lobby and declared, “The pro-gun control people have lost and they don’t realize it, and they get us stuck every time arguing over something that’s never going to happen. Not only can they not get a gun ban passed, but even if they did, it would be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.”
It was a stunning conversation, first covered by The Daily Beast.
Kelly has been having an interesting conversation about gun control on Twitter, where the exchange of dialogue has been occasionally colorful, and anti-gunners have been insisting they’ve won the debate.
According to the Washington Examiner, Kelly remarked during The Megyn Kelly Show on SeriusXM about the weekend shooting and other shootings, “Nothing has worked to stop these shootings, and nothing proposed by these gun control advocates will work.”
She told her audience, “I’m sorry, but the jury’s in: We’re not getting guns out of America, and the changes we always default to debating in the wake of these things will not stop mass shootings. It’s time to focus on other remedies. It’s time to shame the gun control zealots for stopping any other reasonable debates around these shootings.”
In the wake of Saturday’s shooting at a mall in the suburban Dallas area, the gun debate has jumped back into the spotlight, with both sides insisting they are in the right. The gun prohibition movement is demanding more restrictions, and even President Joe Biden was calling on Congress to take action. He supports a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” but Kelly observed that even if semiautomatic rifles were banned, criminal s would simply resort to using semi-auto pistols. She noted the killer at Virginia Tech used two handguns and killed 32 people while wounding 17 others.
“So we need to face reality, okay,” Kelly observed. “The states that have the strictest gun laws—New York, California, Connecticut, where I am now—have had multiple mass shootings in this past decade. They don’t work any better than the states that have lenient gun laws like Texas.”
Kelly’s comments only served to underscore the increasing polarization over the Second Amendment. Her remarks on Twitter brought forth the usual arguments from gun control proponents, which resulted in more replies from people who concurred with Kelly’s perspective.