White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told the White House press corps that President Donald Trump will nominate a Supreme Court successor to Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and will protect the right to keep and bear arms.
The remarks came as McEnany opened a press briefing earlier in the week. Her comments seemed to rebut speculation and arguments over the weekend following Ginsburg’s passing, among which were demands from Capitol Hill Democrats that naming a successor should be left to “the next president.”
“President Trump will appoint the next Supreme Court justice,” McEnany said. “President Trump will protect religious liberty. President Trump will protect our freedom of speech. President Trump will protect our Second Amendment.”
TGMobtained a transcript of her remarks from the White House.
The president is under attack by Democrats over his promise to nominate Ginsburg’s successor probably this coming Saturday. While Democrats have been making noises about a reversal on abortion rights that would undo Roe v. Wade, the issue of gun rights has been hiding in the shadows throughout the campaign.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are both perennial anti-gunners who promise to push for enactment of tougher restrictions on gun owners if they win in November.