By Dave Workman
Republican Congressman Darrell Issa of California, appearing at the Gun Rights Policy Conference over the weekend, told his audience that Vice President Kamala Harris “has spent her entire career here in California attacking the Second Amendment.”
If she becomes president in 2025, Issa predicted she will continue to weaponize federal agencies and to make California gun laws the standard across the country.
Those laws, he observed, are “designed to wear you down to where you go, ‘It’s not worth it.’ That’s not an accident.”
“Laws designed to make weapons not useable, not practical, not affordable are, in fact, the laws that Californians see every day,” Issa stated, “and the laws that, if, we allow Vice President Harris to become President Harris, we will see (attempted again). We will see federal taxes increase, but most importantly, we will see what we’ve seen for almost four years now, which is using ATF and other agencies to specifically go after the people who facilitate your ability to have a weapon and even go after gun owners who simply are, in fact, buying or selling usually historic pieces; they’re gun collectors. They are the newest ones to be attacked.
“As far as this administration is concerned,” he said, “you can have just one weapon and go to sell it and they’ll consider you a gun dealer.”
The veteran congressman, who chaired the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and led hearings during the “Fast and Furious” scandal which erupted in 2010, is no stranger to Democrat attempts to restrict gun rights. He expressed pride in federal courts and judges for doing “more to protect your rights than the body to which I belong because the House and the Senate flips back and forth and cannot possibly always be your protector.”
With the national elections just over a month away, Issa noted during a “fireside chat” question-and-answer segment following his remarks, that anti-gunners in Congress have wanted to gather all the information on gun purchases and put it in a central database—a gun registry—so law enforcement might be able to click into that information and learn who owns a gun and how many guns that person owns.
While Harris disclosed a couple of weeks ago that she owns a gun, Issa quipped, “It will not surprise me if it shoots water.”

During his appearance, Issa was honored by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms with the “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” award.
CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb told the audience the award was “for all the hard work he has done protecting our Second Amendment rights.”
In reply, Issa promised the award would be displayed proudly in his office on Capitol Hill.