Hydra Weaponry, Maine’s largest firearms employer, designer, and manufacturer of the truly modular MARCK-15 Hydra® Weapon System, has developed the Hydra modular rifle configuration to meet the demands of the thousands of GLOCK pistol owners looking to enhance their experience with their favorite brand of pistol.
With the .45 ACP caliber being the second most popular caliber behind the 9mm for civilian, law enforcement, and military use, the H21 Hydra MARCK[1]15 Modular Rifle was the next on the production list. The Hydra Weaponry team designed a Hydra modular lower receiver with a 45 ACP H21 magazine well. With the H21 mag well as the starting point, Hydra included the Hydra Quick Change Barrel Upper Receiver (QCB-D) along with a Hydra 16-inch .45 ACP blowback barrel, a .45 ACP blowback bolt, and a durable B5 Systems stock and pistol grip. Owners of the new Hydra MARCK-15 .45 ACP H21 Modular Rifle can use this as the base to expand caliber capabilities through Hydra Weaponry’s growing magazine well and caliber conversion kits. Easy to change out, even in the field, the rifle requires no tools to convert to another caliber with the most the user will ever need to change out is the barrel, bolt, and bolt carrier, and the magazine well to the new caliber.

“A modular concept rifle is the most cost-effective system to purchase when money is an issue but you need multiple calibers to accomplish different tasks. That is why our Hydra MARCK-15 Modular Rifles offer the best in the field for quality and accuracy while being kind to your wallet. Now, with our sale in process, it’s the time to get your hands on a base model and as many conversions as possible!” Mack Gwinn III, CEO of Hydra Weaponry, said.
The Hydra MARCK-15 H21 .45 ACP Modular Rifle weighs 10 lbs. and measures 21” x 3” x 7” in a black finish. Inserts for the handguard include MLOK, KeyMOD, and Picatinny.
Regularly $1,399.00, now $1,120.00 at your local dealer, or order online and receive at your local dealer. Dealers interested in carrying the new Hydra MARCK-15 .45 ACP H21 Modular Rifle should contact Tanner Smart for the Hydra Dealer Program. For more information on Hydra Weaponry, visit the new website at www.hydraweaponry.com.