By Glen Caroline, SAF Director External Affairs

In our ongoing efforts to educate and engage our members and supporters in the fight to protect our freedom, SAF/CCRKBA recently launched a new grassroots program—2A First Responders.
This volunteer program is geared toward individuals who wish to actively engage in the defense of their rights, who are looking to increase their activism further, and who can become “Force Multipliers” by recruiting additional volunteers and building their own local networks of 2A First Responders in their communities.
Our 2A First Responders will be the tips of our grassroots spear, organizing local groups of volunteers to advance our mutual mission of defending and promoting the Second Amendment. Whether writing letters to the editor; attending meetings and hearings, promoting gun rights through your social media, email, and text groups; or spreading the word about pro-gun candidates, we will be looking to YOU to lead the charge in your community!
Defending our Second Amendment rights depends on engaged activists like you, who are willing to dedicate their time and energy. The free 2A First Responder program seeks something more valuable than your money–it seeks your time.
As a 2A First Responder, you’ll receive special updates, items, and training opportunities available only to those enrolled in the program. Complete our brief Freedom Form to enroll.
In the coming months, I will be providing you more specifics on this program, including promotion of grassroots trainings and what more you can do as a 2A First Responder to be a champion liberty.
In the meantime, stay educated and stay engaged!