The Florida state House Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government will hold a public hearing in Tallahassee on Tuesday, Feb. 7 to discuss House Bill 543, which would legalize the carrying of concealed firearms without a license.
The measure is already stirring controversy, from anti-gunners who contend it will make it impossible for law enforcement to tell whether honest citizens or criminals are carrying, to hardcore activists who are already complaining the bill does not go far enough. The latter group wants open carry to be part of the equation.
According to an alert circulated by the Florida Carry board of directors, “Our legislators need to hear your voice about how this bill will impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. Even if you don’t approach the microphone, your presence will speak volumes.”
The hearing is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. at Webster Hall in the 212 Knott Building of the State Capitol campus.
“It is long overdue that the State of Florida get out of the way of law abiding gun owners when they wish to exercise their right to carry,” Florida Carry said in its alert. “HB 543 will save innocent lives by empowering Floridians to defend themselves without waiting many weeks or months for a license to exercise a fundamental right.”
Florida activists have been pursuing permitless carry for some years, and recently Gov. Ron DeSantis has indicated he will sign the legislation if it reaches his desk.
During a recent press event, several county sheriffs through their weight behind HB 543.
If the legislation becomes law, Florida will be the 26th state that does not require a license or permit in order to carry a concealed firearm in public. Anti-gunners are vigorously opposing the bill.