By Paul Lathrop | Contributing Editor
The third annual Florida Carry “Camping Event” will be held the weekend of March 20-21, 2021 at Runaway Campers in Summerfield, Fla., according to Kevin Sona, District 5 coordinator for the group, who
appeared on the Daily Bullet to discuss the upcoming activity.
In 2018 Florida Carry started what has become a tradition for gun rights activists in Florida and has expanded it to become an event that pulls in people from across the country.
“It started as just a fellowship,” Sona explained, “just to get together with some of our members and family and have a good time and it morphed when an individual by the name of Terry Power, who was running for the Florida House at one point asked if he could come to speak at the event. That is when the gears started rolling and I thought ‘This could turn into something else.’”
Over time more speakers came to the Saturday portion of the event. Speakers have included gun rights advocate and self-defense authority Massad Ayoob, “Riding Shotgun with Charlie” host Charlie Cook, AmmoLand News correspondent and podcaster Rob Morse and others.
Sona said this year they have had challenges reserving a place where 200-plus people can gather. A local RV manufacturer has stepped up and offered an indoor space that can easily accommodate the event for Florida Carry.
Some of the tentative speakers for 2021 are Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Amanda Suffecool of Eye on the Target Radio, Dan Wos, author of Good Gun Bad Guy, and Fox News Contributor Jan Morgan.
There is no charge for the event but Florida Carry does request that you register on a Facebook Event page so they know how many meals to prepare for the included lunch.