by John Markwell | Contributing Editor

Jamie Dodson of Wolf Precision talks to potential customers. Jamie had such a good show that he had to add two additional classes to his schedule of long range shooting schools during the show to meet demand.
Twenty-fifteen marks the second year that this historic display of all things related to traditional outdoor recreation has been coordinated by the National Rifle Association (NRA). The Farm Complex in Harrisburg, PA, was packed with gun and bow hunters, fisherman, and other outdoor folks for the entire nine days of the February event. The international nature of the event was most evident in the Outfitter’s Hall where hunts from the world over were being offered. Axis deer to Zebra: you name it and there was an outfit that could provide that dream hunt for any species imaginable.
The Fishing Hall was much the same, although most interesting were the hands-on seminars put on by well known TV fishing personalities. Campers and boats were also on display in the vast Pennsylvania Farm Complex. For those into outdoor competitions there were 3-D archery contests, and wildlife calling competitions.
Most notable this year was the increased presence of the American firearms industry in the Shooting Sports Hall. The big names like Remington, Mossberg, Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Browning, Sig Sauer, Winchester, etc. were in attendance as was a goodly assortment of smaller custom gun builders like Wolf Precision, Turnbull Mfg. and Hillbilly Rifles. Shooting accessories were well represented by the likes of MagPul Industries, Badlands Leather and Bar-sto Barrels.
The Great American Outdoor Show is truly a family experience that was enhanced by an evening country concert on the last Saturday night. There is an exhaustive list of all the TV personality appearances, as well as the activities and seminars on the Show’s website: Look it over and start planning to attend this great outdoor event in 2016.