By Paul Lathrop | Contributing Editor
Dr. John Edeen is a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon and is the Membership Director for Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. He was featured on the most recent Daily Bullet, he discussed how the organization came to be and what they are doing now.
Edeen recalled that DRGO was founded in 1994 by Dr. Timothy Wheeler when Wheeler realized that there was a significant bias against the Second Amendment amongst medical practitioners across establishment medicine. That combined with the Centers for Disease Control doing advocacy research in favor of gun control prompted Wheeler to start DRGO.
Edeen then turned to what caused him to become involved in DRGO.
“I’m an Orthopedic Surgeon, I do children’s orthopedics, and my area of interest is ‘Gun Free Zones’ in hospitals,” he said. “I realized that every time I walked into a hospital I had to disarm myself and that the Texas 30.06 signs did absolutely nothing to me or my patients or my colleagues from a spree shooter or mass public shooting or even terrorism.”
Edeen then talked about some of the white papers that DRGO physicians have written supporting things such as the Hearing Protection Act.
Other topics covered were a doctor matching service and the dangers of gun-free zones.
The blog for DRGO can be found at https://drgo.us/. The doctor matching service can be found at www.2adoc.com.