By R.K. Campbell | Contributing Editor
CZ firearms- Ceska zbrojovka- has manufactured quality firearms for nearly ninety years.
Their rifles, pistols and shotguns are noted for good performance and realiblity at a fair price, and one of the standours is the CZ 75, introduced about 1975 and still going strong.
At the same time the CZ 75 appeared on the scene, the SIG P226, Beretta 92, and Smith & Wesson Model 59 were introduced or were already in service. These were high capacity magazine 9mm caliber double action first shot pistols.
For many years the CZ 75 was unavailable as it was produced behind the Iron Curtain. When freedom rang across the region, the CZ 75 began to become available in America. The rub is clone guns of the CZ of less quality were far more common for many years.

The CZ is sometimes referred to as a double action first shot Hi Power type. This is far from true. The CZ has more in common with the Petter pistols and the SIG P210. That said, the design owes less to other handguns that some infer.
The CZ 75 features a double action first shot trigger. The safety may be applied when the hammer is cocked. The intent is not to promote cocked and locked carry, although this mode of readiness is possible, but to allow making the pistol safe during tactical movement after the first shot has been fired without resorting to lowering the hammer. Later versions feature a decocker lever.
Some clone guns allow the safety to be placed on with the hammer down.
The pistol features a slide that runs inside the frame rails. This makes for good contact across the length of the rails and the design also makes the CZ 75 more difficult to rack. Get a firm grip on the cocking serrations and rack the slide. After a few reptetions, it becomes familiar if not easy.
Field strip and disassembly is simple enough. The pistol is well made of good material with good sights and a relatively smooth trigger action. The double action trigger press is typcial of the era at about 12 pounds, and the 5.8 pound single action press is comparable to most double action first shot pistols with some creep and the modest backlash typcial of CZ type handguns. The original is a successful pistol that has led to the CZ 75B and highly elevated competetion pistols.
The CZ 75 B Retro is a different handgun than these modern improved CZ handguns. The Retro is a pistol that bears the appearance of the original. Like the original CZ 75 the Retro pistol features a well made magazine, now manufactured by MecGar, a hammer forged barrel, and plastic grips. It isnt quite an exact copy of the original as modern 1911A1 types of the GI Model are not quite exact copies of the original.
For nostalgia’s sake the looks are close enough. Those who could not afford the original offering at less than $300 may find a sticker of price of a grand or so shocking. There are CZ pistols better suited to personal defense and competetion but none better suited to looking sharp and cool. The original baked on finish did not last well in hard use, but the modern pistol has a better finish, and it also incorporates a firing pin block into the design.

The new magazines are 17 rounders, which is good to have. Quality is high in every component. The 4.7 inch barrel is longer than some service pistols, but with heavy handloads and modern +P loads a full powder burn is desirable.
The CZ 75 B Retro handles all loads without complaint. The orignal type long hammer spur is easily cocked and lowered manually, while the safety indents sharply. The small sights, true to the orginal, are properly regulated for 124-grain loads holding just under the bull’s eye. Also, 115-grain loads are good for the dead on hold, and 147-grain loads fire just an inch or so high at 15 yards.
The pistol features the original round trigger guard, which isn’t a problem for most holsters but do some shopping and try a holster to be certain.

CZ pistols are not rare and come up for sale often. While some online auctions and sites were found with the pistols at around $999, Bud’s Gun Shop had one at $868, in stock, Cheaperthandirt.com was slightly less but out of stock the second time I checked.
I purchased my gun unfired in the box for considerably less in the used case at a local shop. Naturally it did not remain unfired for long!
I lubricated the pistol along the bearing surfaces, cocking block and barrel hood, and had a fine time at the firing range. Most of the ammunition expended was Black Hills Ammunition 115-grain FMJ. This is a clean burning and accurate load.
I carry striker-fired pistols and the 1911 for the most part and have not fired a double action first shot pistol in some time. My results were poor at 5 and 7 yards and I am not terribly motivated to spend the time and effort to improve! The DA pull requires constant practice and some like the system. For home defense and instituation use it makes sense. Most of my firing was done single action.
The CZ 75 B Retro handles very well indeed in single-action fire. It is slightly heavier than a Browning High Power, slightly less heavy than a steel frame 1911 9mm, and muzzle flip is limited by the low riding slide. The pistol is capable of slamming the X ring right out of the target at 7 yards.
I enjoyed firing this pistol very much. I had good results out to 25 yard in off hand fire. The pistol never failed to feed chamber fire or eject in firing 60 rounds of FMJ ammunition. I also fired the piece for accuracy from a solid benchrest. I used the MTM Caseguard K zone shooting rest, a big help in accurate fire. I fired four loads at a long 25 yards. The pistol is a good shooter. CZ fans will have to own one and anyone needing a reliable 9mm service pistol should give the pistol a look see.

Accuracy results 5 shot group, 25 yards
Load Group in inches
Black Hills 115 grain FMJ 2.5 in.
Black Hills 124 grain JHP 1.8 in.
Black Hills 125 grain Honey Badger 2.2 in.
Handload 124 grain RNL Titegroup 2.4 in.
CZ 75 B Retro Specifications
- MODEL: CZ 75 Retro
- TYPE: Semi-Auto Pistol- Double Action/Single Action
- FRAME: Steel
- STOCK/GRIPS: Black Plastic Waffle type Grips
- BARREL: 4.6″
- CAPACITY: 17 + 1
- SIGHTS: Fixed Three-Dot
- WEIGHT: 37.0 oz.
- SAFETY FEATURES: Manual Safety