Grassroots activists across the map are already pre-registering for one of three free webinar events scheduled on three successive evenings may 26, 27 and 28, presented by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Second Amendment Foundation.
The one-hour program is titled “Grassroots Activism in the COVID Environment.” It will be hosted on Zoom, and will be led by Glen Caroline, who recently joined the teams at CCRKBA and SAF in the new position of Director of External Affairs.
Recently, Caroline wrapped up a 29-year stint with the National Rifle Association as its Managing Director of Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations. He is considered an expert in the field of grassroots organizing and activism.

Also joining in on all three webinar events will be SAF founder and CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, and Andrew Gottlieb, SAF Director of Outreach.
The programs will air Tuesday, May 26 (Eastern), Wednesday, May 27 (Central) and Thursday, May 28 (Pacific). Each session begins at 7 p.m. in the respective time zones. Each program will be live, with recurring material, Caroline said, so it is not necessary to pre-register for each evening’s event. You only need to participate during one evening’s broadcast.
To register for the Tuesday, May 26 evening program, Click Here.
To register for the Wednesday, May 27 evening program, Click Here
To register for the Thursday, May 28 evening program, Click Here.
As noted, there is no registration fee for this event. Gottlieb told TGM that just over 600 people have already pre-registered, with the numbers divided among each of the three broadcasts.
“The response so far has been great,” Gottlieb said. “We’re encouraging all Second Amendment activists to sign up, participate and learn new strategies to help us win in the months and years ahead, and make the Second Amendment great again.”