By Dave Workman | Editor-in-Chief
Former Vice President Joe Biden wasted little time in the aftermath of Saturday’s horrific caught-on-video ambush of two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies to push a gun control narrative that had nothing to do with the attack, the head of a national grassroots gun rights organization has asserted.
Biden’s response to the brutal attack on the two deputies—a 24-year-old male and 31-year-old female—was to tweet that “Weapons of war have no place in our communities. We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
But Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, called foul on the Democrat, noting, “We have watched the video of this craven act several times, which is apparently something Biden didn’t do even once before he sent out that self-serving tweet. Instead of calling for a ban on a gun that wasn’t involved, perhaps Joe Biden should instead focus on the people who gathered outside of the hospital yelling they hope the deputies would die, and simply tell them to shut up and go home.”
A video of the incident released by the Sheriff’s Department shows an individual walking up to the patrol vehicle and raising a handgun to open fire. The culprit appears to fire several shots and then runs away. It has been viewed more than 15 million times.
While Biden had earlier called the shooting “unconscionable,” according to Fox News, Gottlieb expressed astonishment that the presidential candidate would “attempt to capitalize on this cowardly act by calling for a ban on a type of firearm that wasn’t even used.”
The Los Angeles Times quoted a resident of the Compton area, where the shooting occurred, saying the attack made “no sense.” That person raised the specter that a subsequent tragedy could happen if someone were to approach another police vehicle and get shot by officers fearing for their safety.
Liberty Park Press checked with the L.A. County Sheriff’s office via telephone. Both wounded deputies are “doing okay,” a sheriff’s deputy said.
But Biden’s focus appears to be on banning guns, and that rankled Gottlieb.
“Just when you thought Joe Biden’s lifelong crusade against firearms couldn’t go any lower, he grabs a shovel and starts digging,” the veteran gun rights advocate said. “This illustrates the bankruptcy of the gun prohibition movement. They’ll use a horrific tragedy as a starting point to push their own agenda, which typically has no factual relation to the incident they’re exploiting.”
Biden has announced his plan to reduce so-called “gun violence” and it covers an array of gun control measures.
There is a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible.