By Dave Workman
ABC News is reporting that gun control lobbying groups “are bracing for (Donald Trump) to keep his campaign promise to sign a nationwide ‘concealed carry reciprocity’ law.”
This was one of Trump’s early campaign promises, made in 2023, and as the president-elect assembles his cabinet and administration officials, it appears clear the “gun vote” helped him secure the Nov. 5 victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.
As observed by Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, “America’s gun owners saw the threat of a Kamala Harris presidency and took action. \Millions of ‘gun voters’ turned out to reverse the nation’s course on firearms rights, and keep Kamala out of the Oval Office. It was gun owners who also made the difference in Montana, re-electing pro-gun Gov. Greg Gianforte and replacing Democrat Sen. Jon Tester with Republican Tim Sheehy, thus shifting the Senate majority to GOP control.
“In this election,” he added, “the Democrats shot blanks and the voters buried their gun ban agenda.”
But the gun prohibition movement hasn’t thrown in the towel, according to the ABC News report. The network quoted Monisha Henley, senior vice president of government affairs for Everytown for Gun Safety.
“Gutting state gun laws just makes it easier for dangerous people to carry a hidden weapon with no training, with no questions asked,” Henley said.
However, that is not true. The proposed concealed carry reciprocity legislation passed by the U.S. House during the first Trump term in 2017 did not do that. As reported by TGM earlier, the legislation did not override the laws of any state they were visiting. The legislation was known as H.R. 38 and included this language:
“This section shall not be construed to supersede or limit the laws of any State that—
“(1) permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property; or
“(2) prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property, installation, building, base, or park.”
Erroneously labeling Everytown and other gun prohibition groups as “gun violence prevention groups,” ABC said “they fear the potential passage of nationwide concealed carry reciprocity is just the first step the incoming Trump administration will take to roll back policies established by President Joe Biden to curb the national plague of gun violence.”
In reality, Biden’s policies did not reduce violent crime. According to an Oct. 16 report in The Telegraph, “Violent crime increased under Joe Biden rather than decreasing as previously thought, revised figures from the FBI show.”
“Thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults occurred in 2022 than the bureau had initially recorded, as first identified by RealClearInvestigations,” The Telegraph story said.
The discrepancy became a campaign issue when Trump—during his debate with Harris—argued that crime was up and he said the FBI data available at the time was fraudulent. Trump was repeatedly “fact checked” by ABC’s David Muir, but as it turned out, the former president was right.
The ABC News report recalled Trump’s campaign promise this past May at the National Rifle Association’s convention.
“In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment — the attacks are fast and furious — starting the minute that Crooked Joe shuffles his way out of the White House,” Trump said at the time.
Following Trump’s smashing victory Nov. 5, Kris Brown, president of the anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, declared her group would “double down” in their gun control efforts.