By R.K. Campbell | Contributing Editor
In the world of pistols there are polymer frames and metal frames and in the modern world most of us use each.
The technology we enjoy allows us to fire pistols to a round count that would produce a rattling wreck in handguns of a generation or two ago. Not that many of us will fire that many cartridges in our lifetime, but knowing the piece will survive an onslaught of powder and brass is comforting.
There are criminals who are dangerously human and present a constant danger. I still carry the Hammer of the Century (1911 .45) often and when hiking the Connecticut Rattlesnake (Python .357) may ride with me. But for day to day defense in a troubled world, a polymer frame 9mm offers superb reliability, hit probability, easy shooting, and a good reserve of ammunition. Spare parts and upgrades are readily available.
The Glock is the preeminent polymer marvel. If you choose a Glock the pistol is proven. If you choose a cheaper gun then something has been cut when it comes to foreign production. If the gun costs more then what are you getting for the extra money?
The pistol I have just fired to the tune of 240 fast cartridges is an American made contender that shoots great (As of 2/10/2025 I am at 980 trouble free cartridges fired.), functions flawlessly and offers good practical accuracy.
The Ruger RXM is a close clone in some ways of the Glock but in other ways an upgrade. If you want a reliable go anywhere, do anything 9mm defense gun the Ruger RXM is it. If you want a base for upgrades the RXM features an internal chassis (similar to the SIG P320) that will be accommodated by MagPul modules. The pistol is a collaboration by Ruger and MagPul, two respected giants of the industry. The fusion of ideas came out well to say the least. First the specs- this is a Glock 19 size and style pistol.
The pistol is a mix of FNC Nitride finished slide and Stealth Gray frame. The slide is nicely beveled at the front for easy holstering, and the overall look is nice a slash cut extending the length of the slide just past the ejection port. The pistol features forward cocking serrations, whch are shorter but sharper than the rear and work well.
Ruger makes this pistol optics ready, offering direct mounting of popular optics. The slide cut cover is marked with the Ruger logo.
The ejection port cut looks like a Glock there is also a cut out loaded chamber indicator. The sights are excellent; the rear sight features a serrated rear face unit tall enough to be used to rack the slide if butted onto a boot heel or heavy belt. The front sight features a tritium insert. These sights are tall enough to co-witness with most red dot sights.
Ruger’s grip frame is nicely pebbled with a good balance of adhesion and abrasion. A finger indent below the trigger guard tips up the bore axis slightly. Front strap abrasion is good. The magazine well is flared enough to be a real advantage in speed loading magazines. The rear strap does not feature grip inserts. The grip frame fits most hands well. Those who need a larger grip profile will need a Hogue wrap around grip.
The magazine catch is protected and positive in operation. The pistol also features a light rail. Two roughened patches allow a place to rest the finger during tactical movement. The pistol is well thought out. While there is a bit more style than the Glock pistol the rugged simplicity of the design remains.
I ran the pistol through several dozen dry fire repetitions before heading to the firing range. The controls are well designed, a slight upgrade with the magazine release and standard fare with the single control slide release. The trigger action is smooth and breaks clean at 4.5 pounds. This is a cleaner break than the Glock.
Re-set is very important in speed shooting and the Ruger features a sharp re-set. The trigger itself is similar to the Gen 5 Glock. A good all-around defense gun trigger. The RXM is completely familiar to anyone who fires and carries the Glock. The pistol fits Glock 19 holsters nicely, the magazines interchange, and overall, the picture is rosy for compatibility. I took a Glock 19 9mm barrel and found that it will fit and lock in the Ruger without any problem. Aftermarket barrels will be easily fitted to the Ruger if designed for the Glock 19 9mm pistol.
Most of the firing has been at man sized targets at defense range- 5, 7, and 10 yards and at that range, this pistol handles quickly. I did a number of draws, using a couple of the latest Timeless design holsters from Falco Holsters. These holsters feature old world craftsmanship, custom quality, and are carefully designed to exhibit the best balance of speed and retention.
I am evaluating several Falco holsters. It seemed a good time to examine the Ruger’s compatibility with Glock holsters. Compatibility is one hundred per cent! Combat firing results have been excellent. The superior sights and trigger should provide a better performance for most shooters.
The pistol is a great all-around defense gun. I had no problem centering the X at combat ranges. Practical accuracy in a polymer frame striker fired handgun is most often limited by the trigger action and sights. The Ruger RXM provides excellent accuracy from a solid bench rest at 25 yards. The groups below were for an average of two five shot groups.
Black Hills 100-grain Honey Badger 2.4 inch.
Black Hills 124-grain JHP 1.8 inch
Black Hills 124-grain +P 2.25 inch
The Ruger RXM is going to be a popular pistol. Performance is good to excellent and with an average price of a dollar less than four hundred dollars the pistol is affordable.
Caliber 9mm
Action DAO striker fired
Capacity Supplied with two MagPul 15 round magazines
OAL 7.15 in.
Barrel 4 in.
Height 5.3 in.
Weight 23 oz.
MSRP $499.00