By Dave Workman
The head of Massachusetts’ leading gun rights organization has issued a call to action for Bay State gun owners, declaring, “No civil rights struggle in U.S. history has been won by staying home and complaining.”
So said Jim Wallace, executive director of the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League (GOAL), one of the most active state affiliates of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The video may be found on YouTube under the heading “Jim Wallace of GOAL addresses HD.4420.”
CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb encourages all members and supporters in Massachusetts and neighboring states to watch Wallace’s nine-minute video, in which Wallace depicts the legislation as “The Lawful Citizens’ Imprisonment Act.”
According to Wallace and GOAL, HD 4420 “represents an all-out assault on the entire Second Amendment community.” He says “virtually everyone” regardless of age or specific firearms interest, could become a felon if the bill becomes law.
“No one who owns any type of gun in Massachusetts is spared from this new proposed legislation,” he declares in the video.
According to Wallace, the legislation:
- Essentially bans hunting on private property. It bans anyone under 15 from training or participating in the shooting sports
- Requires serialization and registration of all feeding devices not just magazines
- Includes “massive training requirements that include things like active shooter training”
- Requires that any changes or repairs to a gun must be approved by the state.
- Considers a semi-auto turkey gun with a pistol grip to be an “Assault Weapon”
- Says that no one under age 21 can purchase any semi-auto firearm of any kind or caliber
- Defines “Firearm” as any gun, frame, receiver or barrel
- Requires that in order to carry or transport any gun on private property, property owners must post that they consent to allow guns on their property
Wallace is urging Massachusetts gun owners to contact the House Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka, plus their local state senators and state representatives to oppose what he calls “this historic anti-civil rights bill.”
“Please take this seriously and get in the fight,” said a grim-faced Wallace. “For those that are willing to get in the fight beside us, you have my ultimate respect. For those who don’t, well, good luck.”