By Dave Workman | Editor-in-Chief
Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund is attacking the National Rifle Association’s $8.3 million independent expenditure to support Donald Trump’s re-election while Bloomberg has pledged $100 million just in Florida to flip that state to Democrat Joe Biden in November.
Critics have just one question: “Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?”
Everytown sent an email blast requesting contributions, declaring, “You know what we are up against – an increasingly desperate and dangerous NRA that is willing to do anything to maintain its grip on power.”
This came on the heels of Bloomberg’s announcement, reported by the New York Times and others, “that he planned to spend $100 million in Florida in the coming weeks to support Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidential candidacy.”
The Everytown Victory Fund message identified Florida as one of several “battleground” states that also includes Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Bloomberg spent millions of dollars on his own short-lived presidential run in 2019, winning only the electoral vote from American Samoa. He dropped out of the race almost as quickly as he entered it, subsequently throwing his considerable financial support behind Biden. That led the Second Amendment Foundation to suggest in a news release that Biden is “bought and paid for” by Bloomberg.
“Joe Biden is a perennial gun prohibitionist, and Michael Bloomberg is opening his wallet to essentially buy the Sunshine State vote on Biden’s behalf,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It is clear to us the former New York mayor thinks the former vice president will do his bidding, otherwise he wouldn’t be making such an expensive investment.
“Considering Biden’s gun control agenda and his promise to pursue a restrictive gun grabbing crusade if he wins in November,” Gottlieb continued, “there should be no doubt Joe is a 100 percent certified shill for Bloomberg and his gun prohibition lobbying groups, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action.”
Everytown’s message also asserts, “We can win this. Our polling shows that talking to voters about gun safety is among the most successful ways at moving voters towards supporting Joe Biden.”
When the question comes down to “gun safety,” the NRA has long been known as “the Red Cross of Gun Safety.” Where the NRA has a network of thousands of certified volunteer firearms instructors around the country, Everytown can make no such claim.
Trump, meanwhile, habitually mentions his support for the Second Amendment during rallies. He has named more than 200 judges to fill federal court vacancies, bringing balance and a Second Amendment perspective to the courts, say gun rights activists.
The gun issue could bring legions of grassroots Second Amendment activists to the polls in November. Biden has already announced his plans to push new restrictions on law-abiding gun owners.