Lawful gun owners are ‘new witches’ of Bay State
Dear Editor:
Re: Lawful gun owners, the “new” witches to fear.
In the 1690s, the good people of Massachusetts Bay were all incensed over the “witches” they found in their community.
They jailed, hung and pressed them to death.
Justice Stoughton sat in judgment of many whom he found guilty.
Thankfully, sanity prevailed and the “witches” Justice Stoughton found guilty were freed and those who were jailed and killed,had monies paid back to them or their families.
In 1906 Massachusetts enacted a “gun license” scheme allowing only a “suitable person” to be able to purchase said license but sadly, they never defined in law whom a “suitable person” was!
And to this day no definition exists and now Massachusetts has banned “look alike” AR-15 functioning firearms and with 351 cities and towns, there are 351 different “interpretations” of “suitable person”.
Lawful gun owners have become the “new witches” in the Bay State.
Pray for us.
Don Schwarz
Stoughton, MA
Lanier’s retirement in DC won’t change city’s gun laws
Re: Cathy Lanier
Firstly, good luck to the lady in her new job. Good luck to the NFL too, whether or not they deserve same.
That being said, Washington DC, does have problems, some of which their former Chief of Police contributed to, some of which are attributable to others. In any case, it seems sad that the law-abiding residents, be they black or white, are/were poorly served by the government of Washington, DC, sad to note—especially respecting the abrogation of their constitutional rights.
Alan Schultz
Pittsburgh, PA
Another WA resident seeks Seattle gun tax data
To: Senior Editor, Dave Workman and Attorney Steven Fogg.
I just completed reading an article on KOMO News about the gun tax law in the City of Seattle. And I noticed that the city is denying your records request for the total amount of tax this law has brought into the city since the inception of the law. What really caught my attention was the excuse for not releasing these records, and I quote from the article:
“When the tax base is so small, release of the aggregate data could reveal the identity of individual taxpayers and how much they paid, which is protected information by state law.”
Well all city, county and state records show who is paying what in taxes. For example, I can look up your property and determine your taxes, therefore I don’t believe their argument holds water. So with that in mind I have also made the same request to city of Seattle records.
Mark Orendorff
Via e-mail
Some thoughts after 2016 Trump victory
Dear Editor:
It appears that there are more Americans than Bushes, NeverTrumps, and Rockefeller Republicans.
God Bless the USA!
Charley Murray
Houston, TX
Corrects reference to campaign slogan
Dear Editor:
Re: Editor Tartaro’s Hindsight column in the November 2016 Gun Mag.
“Rum, Romanism & Rebellion” actually dates from the 1928 US Presidential Election.
“Rum” because the Dems were the “wets” opposed to prohibition.
“Romanism” because Al Smith was Roman Catholic and many people distrusted the Papacy’s record on Democracy. (Indeed, Pope Pius XI, when defending his 1927 Concordat with Mussolini had stated that “The two greatest dangers to civilization are co0mmunism and democracy.”)
“Rebellion” because the Democrat Party was the party of the South in the Civil War (and up to Nixon in 1968).
Capt. Roy West, USA (ret.)
Philadelphia, PA