The 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference is looming, and pre-registration is now open at the Second Amendment Foundation website.
Co-sponsored by SAF and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the weekend event is being held in Phoenix, Arizona this year Sept. 22-24 at the Marriott Phoenix Airport Hotel. This year’s conference theme is “Road to Liberty!”
This year’s conference will feature a veritable “Who’s Who” of leaders in the Second Amendment movement. More than 70 speakers will offer presentations on a variety of subjects including legislation, the upcoming campaigns for the 2024 elections, firearms litigation and more. Already scheduled are such notables as Alan Gottlieb, Massad Ayoob, Mark Smith, AWR Hawkins, John Fund, Tom Gresham, Mark Walters, Steven Gutowski and representatives and staff from SAF, CCRKBA, FPC and GOA as well as leaders of state organizations. A complete list of speakers will be added at a later date.
Here is a schedule overview:
Friday, Sept. 22: The conference begins with registration and an evening reception, 7-9 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 23: The conference gets fully underway with panel discussions, individual presentations and the annual awards luncheon. It’s an all-day event running 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 24: The conference wraps up with more panel discussions and reports, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Attendance and all conference materials are free, along with the box lunch served on Saturday during the annual awards luncheon.
The first conference was held in Seattle in 1986, and from there, it has been held all over the country, in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Orlando, St. Louis and other locales, bringing together hundreds of grassroots activists with movers and shakers in the gun rights community.
According to SAF’s website, “The Second Amendment Victory in NYSRPA v. Bruen at SCOTUS opened new ground for RKBA litigation and at the same time has inspired state legislatures to launch full scale attacks. And Joe Biden has proposed confiscation and created dozens of executive orders that include increased ATF audits, suggested arming IRS agents, and anything else the anti-gun crowd can even think about implementing. With the 2024 elections in less than one year, we all need to plan our Road to Liberty.”
The conference will also be available on multiple virtual platforms including YouTube and Facebook.