The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have announced the 40th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will be held this year in Salt Lake City.
The weekend conference is scheduled Sept. 26-28 at the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek.
According to the announcement, for four decades, GRPC has been the go-to event for Second Amendment advocates, bringing together the nation’s top 2A attorneys, activists, and industry leaders to strategize and strengthen our fight for freedom. Register now to secure your spot for this year’s gathering and join some of the nation’s top gun rights leaders.
Co-sponsored by SAF and CCRKBA, the annual conference attracts hundreds of participants from across the country. Among the speakers who have appeared at previous conferences have been nationally-syndicated radio luminaries Tom Gresham from Gun Talk and Mark Walters at Armed American Radio, author and researcher Dr. John Lott, nationally-recognized firearms expert and author Massad Ayoob, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut, Second Amendment authority and law expert David Hardy, law professor and author Robert Cottrol, nation ally-recognized writer and commentator John Fund, and many others. There are always informative panel discussions, individual presentations, and plenty of networking opportunities.
The GRPC has been held in Chicago, Washington, D.C., Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Denver, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, St. Louis and many other places.