At the annual GRPC awards luncheon, several state and national activists, organizations, lawyers and scholars from across the county were honored with awards presented by either the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) or the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF).
The awards and recipients, together with the sponsoring organizations, were as follows.—Grassroots Organization of the Year (CCRKBA); Frank Fiamingo— Grassroots Activist of the Year (CCRKBA); John Lott—Scholar of the Year (SAF); Dave Workman—Journalist of the Year (SAF); the CCRKBA Affiliate of the Year was the Washington Arms Collectors; Gun rights Defender of the Year (CCRKBA) was David Sigale; Gun Rights Legislator of the Year (CCRKBA)—state Rep. Rick Jasperse (R-GA); the CCRKBA Bill of Rights Award was presented posthumously to Aaron Zellman, founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership; SAF’s Global leadership Award went to Dave Kopel, and CCRKBA’s Lifetime Achievement Award went to Prof. Joe Olsen.
In addition, the following received SAF Defender of Liberty awards: Bill McGrath; David Codrea; Charles Heller; Chris Bird; David Gross; Jim Wallace; Philip VanCleave; Rick Patterson; Stephen Aldstadt, and Tom Bolioli
Not all recipients were present due to the fire at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport which prevented many registrants and scheduled speakers from attending due to the cancellation of many flights.